Member of actalliance and ICVA
Member in special consultative status with ECOSOC, UN

Typhoon Doksuri: Amity Aid for the Philippines

In late July, Typhoon Egay (Doksuri) struck the Philippines causing massive damage and casualties. In response, Amity secured funding from the HKSAR Government’s Disaster Relief Fund, and in partnership with NCCP carried out the first distribution of relief supplies in Quezon City on 16 August. 269 households were served at this event, receiving supplies of drinking water, rice, and canned foods. 5 more distribution events will be carried out from 22 to 28 August.

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Beyond the immediate destruction caused by the typhoon, the people of the Philippines face long-term challenges on the long road to rebuilding their livelihoods. You can help make a difference by donating through our general donation portal at , or through our appeal page on AlipayHK by scanning the QR code below:

alipay doksuri