The Living Water Campaign aims to raise public awareness of the global water crisis and encourages people to take action, to help to improve the water and sanitation situations in poor areas. With the global epidemic raging, the needs for safe drinking water and sanitation in poor areas require extra attention. The fund raised in 2020 is used for communities in need in Nepal, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka, to build water and sanitation facilities, improve health and living conditions, as well as supporting awareness education on water conservation and environmental protection. The Living Water Campaign started in 2010.
— Click here to join the Walk for Living Water 2024 —
The Walk for Living Water is an annual walkathon of the Campaign. Since 2010, we have been working closely with governments, partner institutions, social organizations, and corporations in conducting lectures and activities for young people, spreading the message of the importance of a correct attitude on water saving and sustainable development, as well as providing financial support for water resource and health work in China and around the world. The Walk for Living Water is held every year and has raised more than HKD 5 million. With the funds, the Amity Foundation has built 45 water and sanitation facilities for villages and schools in Nepal, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Mainland China.
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, and to minimize the risks of COVID-19 infection through close contacts, instead of gathering walkers together at the same venue, the event in 2020 and 2021 encouraged participants to conduct their own walks at a safe time and place of their choice.
Highlights of previous Walks:
Since February 2021, the Living Water Campaign organized several Townhall events, which connects students, donor agencies, and beneficiary villagers together to provide authentic learning experiences for participants while allowing overseas partners to articulate their plight. The Living Water Townhall is a series of online activities which surrounds the theme of water and sanitation, provides an interesting virtual experience interacting for Hong Kong participants with the end-users of the living water projects in real-time, and to have a deeper understanding about the actual challenges of access to clean water and sanitation in different countries while starting to form a unique friendship with people they dialogue with via this online platform.
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