Member of actalliance and ICVA
Member in special consultative status with ECOSOC, UN

Education Support

  • Supported stundets learning in the classroom
  • Volunteer teaching caligraphy to kids supported by the program
  • Students participating in the Amity
  • Students of Amity's football 1+1 program holding up a

The program focuses on the education of young people in rural areas. Amity provides support for those students living in difficult circumstances, improving campus infrastructure, and advocating special education. Amity has been making every effort on creating an all-around on-campus ecosystem to enable students in underdeveloped areas to enjoy equal education. The project supports primary and middle school students to go back to school, helps university students to complete their studies, constructs school buildings, provides sports equipment to poor schools, and carries out “Football 1+1” projects in schools across Jiangsu, Anhui, and Qinghai provinces.

Recent Developments:

Amity supported 16,555 orphans (including de facto orphans) in 141 counties of 15 provinces across the country to improve their learning and living conditions and support their spiritual growth. The Amity Orphan Fostering Program was selected as an outstanding model for SDG10 Reduced Inequalities under the “Charity and Sustainable Development – China Action” Program initiated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Representative Office in China and the China Foundation Center (CFC).

Amity provided 32,724 sets of “Desks in the Mountainous Areas” for 109 rural schools and 2,000 “Photovoltaic Power Stations in Schoolbags” for students in plateau regions. Amity supported 76 rural schools to build multifunctional rooms, benefiting 36,000 teachers and students, and helped 1,709 “Future Engineers” to access continuous vocational education. In addition, as of 2020, a total of 458 female college students in Guizhou received funding for higher education, of which 102 girls were new joiners of the program in 2020.


"To promote educational equity and support students in rural areas to obtain continuous quality education. To promote the all-round development of orphans and children at risk, and care for their spiritual growth and group social integration processes."

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